Tallinna Tervishoiu Kõrgkool on rahvusvaheliselt tunnustatud tervise ja heaolu valdkonnas koolitust pakkuv riiklik rakenduskõrgkool. Kõrgkool on üks kahest Eesti tervishoiu kõrgkoolist, kus on võimalik rakenduskõrgharidusõppes õppida õe, ämmaemanda, optometristi, hambatehniku, farmatseudi, tegevusterapeudi ja tervisedenduse, kutseõppes hooldustöötaja, lapsehoidja, erakorralise meditsiini tehniku, abivahendispetsialisti, sterilisatsioonitehniku, tegevusjuhendaja ja hambaraviassistendi õppekavadel.
Website plugin enabling businesses to integrate Facebook Messenger for customer interactions.
Service for creating chatbots on Facebook Messenger.
Website plugin enabling businesses to integrate Facebook Messenger for customer interactions.
Service for creating chatbots on Facebook Messenger.
Subscription services offering productivity tools and cloud solutions.
Free, open-source web content management framework for building versatile and scalable websites.
Web mapping service offering satellite imagery, street maps, 360° panoramic views, real-time traffic, and route planning for various modes of travel.
Service for creating chatbots on Facebook Messenger.
Subscription services offering productivity tools and cloud solutions.
Video sharing platform for creating, uploading, and engaging with videos.
Seamless account creation and login across multiple platforms.
Cross-platform web server software offering robust and secure web hosting solutions.
JS library for prefetching links based on user viewport.
Tool for displaying images and multimedia in a floating 'lightbox' style.
JavaScript library simplifying HTML DOM manipulation, event handling, CSS animation, and Ajax for a smoother web development experience.
Ajax-powered autocomplete boxes for seamless text input suggestions.
JavaScript library ensuring compatibility with older jQuery versions.
Plugin that enhances web navigation using AJAX and pushState for seamless page transitions.
Collection of GUI widgets, animations, and themes for enhanced web interfaces.
JS library for prefetching links based on user viewport.
jQuery-based replacement for select boxes with search, remote data, and infinite scrolling.