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Businesses using Paddle
Billing and payment gateway for B2B SaaS companies.
Showing 10 of 290 businessesResume Worded
resumeworded.comOur online resume and LinkedIn grader instantly scores your resume and LinkedIn profile and gives you detailed feedback on how to get more opportunities and interviews.
clipdrop.coRemove background, cleanup pictures, upscaling, Stable diffusion and more…
leonardo.aiTransform your projects with our AI image generator. Generate high-quality, AI generated images with unparalleled speed and style to elevate your creative vision
Clue By Biowink
helloclue.comTrack your menstrual cycle with Clue, the #1 doctor-recommended free period tracker app built in collaboration with top health researchers.
Food Lover
powerthesaurus.orgPower Thesaurus is a free, fast, comprehensive and easy-to-follow online thesaurus for writers.
Lifelike (Yc S23)
lifelike.appCreate and talk to the most advanced and realistic-sounding AI characters.
Time Doctor
timedoctor.comUncover actionable insights into people, technology, and operations. Time Doctor's employee-friendly workforce analytics platform offers peace of mind for businesses with distributed, in-office, or remote teams.
refactoring.guruRefactoring is a controllable process of improving code without creating new functionality. Design Patterns are typical solutions to the commonly occurring problems in software design.
slidesai.ioSlidesAI is an AI-Powered Text To Presentation Tool that summarizes and creates presentation slides from any piece of text.
snapwidget.comEmbed your photos with a free responsive Instagram widget and social wall. SnapWidget makes it easy to display Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok and YouTube content on your website.